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Showing posts from October, 2019

Configure OrangePi Lite WiFi

There are many websites and Youtube videos show you how to install Armbian to OrangePi with a SD-card. There are many ways to connect to the initial console of the device. Most of them tell you to utilize the LAN interface. This is a quick and easy method, however, my OrangePi Lite simply lacks a LAN interface. We need to setup Wifi before we can use it for console connection. But without the console how can we setup Wifi connection? Finally I used a USB to TTL device. With only 3 wires I connected the device to OrangePi: Rx-Tx, Tx-Rx, and GND-GND. Then I can use PuTTY to bring up the console thru SSH. Up to this point basically I am following this website: . I continued with the instructions and successfully connect to WiFi, but puzzle why I have do that with so many manual editings. Especially when I edit the /etc/network/interface file, it has a remark say "# Network is managed by Network manage". My question is can N...


 Kociemba is a close to perfect rubik's cube solver algorithm, implemented in both python and C. For detail read . However, that README said you have to install libffi-dev is not appliable on Armbian. This is the sequence I used to install koiemba to OrangePi Lite. ~$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev ~$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip ~$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk ~$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev ~$ pip3 install setuptools ~$ pip3 install wheel   ~$ pip3 install cffi ~$ pip3 install kociemba  LEE SIR 26 september 2019 Islamabad, Pakistan Update 2020-02-09@Hong Kong: Add "sudo apt-get install python3-tk"